Damn, it was a late night setting up. Originally I had planned to meet up with Madsaki in the afternoon, have lunch together, then bring the prints down to the store and slip them into the frames. Done. Go for beers.
Nuh uh. Never works that smoothly in China. One f*ck up after another by the contractor. First, the window sticker needed to be cut out in the middle. It was drawn out already - all they had to do was take a box cutter and trace the outline. Well, they do it haphazardly, so none of the curves are smooth and it looks like sh*t. Not acceptable. So we made them go print another one. Waited around for that, then Madsaki himself cut it out because we didn't trust them anymore. Alright, 7:00pm, we're still ok. Or are we?..
Jack up #2. The custom frames don't f*cking fit the standard A2 size paper that we gave them the specs for?? ARE YOU MOTHERF*CKING KIDDING ME?!?! You didn't think to slide a piece of A2 paper in there to check?? In his mind, I know Madsaki seriously wanted to kill someone when we suggested he trim down the sides of the print by a couple of millimeters. But he was too cool a cat to flip out. However, I think he would have rather committed harakiri than alter his prints. Ok, trimming is not an option. So here we are at 8:00pm driving around the city trying to find a mom 'n' pop frame store that can build us 12 custom frames in like 3 hrs..
What the...wow, we actually found one. Meltdown averted..
They are delivered before midnight (the only thing that happened right all night), and we finally can start framing up the prints. You'd think we're home free. But no. Next c*ck up - the guys can't hang the frames evenly spaced and lined up. Wtf. So we had to stand there and keep telling them how to adjust everything. So much for an easy evening of beers. Finished at 2:00am. Gotdamn f*cking sh*t contractors..
Why don't people here take any sort of pride in their workmanship or craft??? I really don't want to make any generalizations about people in China, but when you keep seeing the same thing happening repeatedly, it's kind of hard not to..
Anyways, the exhibition opening went well and that's all that matters in the end. We gonna get hammered tonight..
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