What the... We're lined up for take off, the engines thrust and we're gaining speed, when all of a sudden the brakes slam on 3/4 of the way down the runway..
After a few moments, the pilot comes on over the speaker system, "Sorry folks, we had to abort the take off due to an electrical failure." And I'm thinking, damn, this royally sucks, but on the other hand... better an aborted take off than having the power cut out while we're a mile up in the sky..
So we had to sit on the tarmac, wait for the emergency fire trucks and ambulances to come out and do a check of the plane as standard protocol, then taxi all the way back to the gate and deplane.
We waited to see if they would let us back on, or if they needed to fix the plane, but eventually they cancelled the flight altogether and I had to wait for a later flight (which also ended up being delayed!). So in all, I spent 8 hours at the airport and missed my first day of meetings.. Fack!
Airline: Air Canada
Route: Vancouver - Los Angeles
Delayed flights: 26
Total time spent waiting: 1 day, 7 hours
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