Our biggest battle to date - 20 beers. Only one will come out on top.

2 Time Defending Champ
Name: Yebisu
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD2.56/can USD0.73/100mL
With a score of 8/10, it won decisively at the last Ohanami event in Tokyo earlier this year.

Challenger 1
Name: Suntory Gold Brew
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.33/can USD0.38/100mL
It says something about a new category of wheat, and using mineral water. It also claims to have an excellent clear taste. It actually was so clear, it tasted like water, with a little wheat flavouring. This 3rd grade beer was quickly taken out of the competition with a suplex over the ropes. Final score 5/10.

Challenger 2
Name: Kirin Zero
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 3%
Price: USD2.06/can USD0.59/100mL
We've actually tested this low calorie 3rd beer at the last Royal Rumble, but I didn't recognize it with the updated can design. Similar to it's performance last time, it just tasted like fizzy water with a packet of Equal thrown in. I gave it an even lower rating this time, just for trying to sneak back into the competition with its new look. Out with an atomic drop. Final score 3.75/10.

Challenger 3
Name: Kirin Honkaku Karakuchi Mugi
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.55/can USD0.44/100mL
The name of this 3rd grade beer means "Real Spicy Wheat". It boasts "high stimulation x high fermentation"?? Pretty nice can design. But looks can be deceiving. It tastes really sweet, and has a bit of a gingery tasting bite to it. Knocked out of commission with a backbreaker. Final score 4.5/10.

Challenger 4
Name: Suntory Diet
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 3.5%
Price: USD1.79/can USD0.51/100mL
This 3rd grade beer is "For those who care about calories." It says to "Enjoy your active life." It smells light and tastes light, but for a light beer, it wasn't completely horrible. Incapacitated with a chokeslam. Final score 6.15/10.

Challenger 5
Name: Sapporo Draft One Sharp & Clear
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.62/can USD0.46/100mL
We've tested a Draft One before, and it wasn't great, but since this one said "NEW", we thought maybe they'd made some improvements. Similar to last time, this 3rd grade beer isn't good, and it isn't bad. But I guess it's a little better, because it got a higher score. Keep training. 7.65/10.

Challenger 6
Name: Asahi "The Master" Pilsner
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5.5%
Price: USD2.55/can USD0.73/100mL
Based on German brewing techniques, this beer won the 2009 World Beer Championship gold medal. And I can see why. It is mild, smooth, and flavourful. And it just looks classy. And just like that, it sneaks up and takes out the defending champ with a sleeper hold!! It scores an impressive 8.95/10!

Challenger 7
Name: Hop Star
Origin: Vietnam
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.14/can USD0.35/100mL
One of the few competitors with non-Japanese origins, we had no idea what to expect. The can design was definitely not as sophisticated as some of the others, but it had a certain old school charm. It was light and slightly flat, but surprisingly, it did have some flavour. However, with an elbow drop from the top rope, it was lights out. Final score 7.35/10.

Challenger 8
Name: Kirin Tanrei 'W' (Double)
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5.5%
Price: USD2.00/can USD0.57/100mL
This 3rd grade beer supposedly offers "Good Value and Quality." Apparently 99% of purine is cut out and fortified with polyfenor?? Slightly watery, and you can smell the alcohol. Down for the count with a Superfly Splash. Final score 5.5/10.

Challenger 9
Name: Suntory "Jokki" (Jug)
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.48/can USD0.42/100mL
The can says "Enjoy lively and crispy new draft." However, it wasn't lively, and it definitely wasn't crispy. It was typical of a lot of Japanese beers - watery, a bit sweet, and ending with a bitter finish. Demolished with a Brock Lesnar F-5. Final score 3.5/10.

Challenger 10
Name: Asahi "Mugishiburi" (something about wheat)
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5.5-6.5%
Price: USD1.93/can USD0.55/100mL
On the can, it states that it is "Containing just a little more alcohol." And that "This detectable liqueur has a rich flavour of barley." It also says it has 1.5 times more wheat than normal, and hence the wheaty taste. Seemed like 1.5 times more difficult to drink too. Knocked out with a DDT. Final score 3.5/10.

Challenger 11
Name: Asahi Honnama Aqua Blue
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.85/can USD0.53/100mL
This reduced sugar beer had foam that looked like soap suds, and tasted about as good. Finished off with a Randy Orton RKO. Final score 2.6/10.

Challenger 12
Name: Asahi Premium "Jukusen" (Vintage Select)?
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5.5%
Price: USD3.37/can USD0.96/100mL
One of the most expensive beers to date, it is quite full-bodied and full-flavoured, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. But still taken out with a Triple H Pedigree. Final score 7.4/10.
Name: Orion Southern Star
Origin: Okinawa, Japan
Alcohol: 4.5-5.5%
Price: USD1.81/can USD0.52/100mL
According to the description, this 3rd beer is "a liqueur with a refreshing light taste delicately flavoured with hops." It just tasted wheaty and watery to me. Plus it stank. Submitted with the Walls of Jericho. Final score 4.3/10.

Challenger 14
Name: Asahi Lager Beer "Golden Vintage Edition"
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.81/can USD0.52/100mL
Love the old school can design. In 1958, "Asahi Gold" was the first Japanese beer sold in a can. They followed this original recipe for this limited edition beer. Light and refreshing. Final score 7.45/10.

Challenger 15
Name: Sapporo Ice Lager
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD2.54/can USD0.51/100mL
Another limited edition offering, this 3rd beer is "aged below 0°C for a fine clear taste and full, rich aroma." But basically, it's just watery. Final score 6.25/10.
Challenger 16
Name: Sapporo "Luxury of Off"
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 4%
Price: USD1.66/can USD0.47/100mL
This 3rd grade beer claims to be a "tasty low-carb brew made with roasted malt for deep and rich barley flavour." It also has 70% less sugar. Like many of the previous beers, wheaty and watery. Squeezed out with a Bear Hug. Final score 5.75/10.

Challenger 17
Name: Gent Half
Origin: Seoul, Korea
Alcohol: 4.5%
Price: USD1.23/can USD0.35/100mL
Another 3rd grade beer with non-Japanese roots. As expected with most light beers, watery and fizzy. Taken out easily with a flying clothesline. Final score 5.35/10.

Challenger 18
Name: Gent Plus
Origin: Seoul, Korea
Alcohol: 5.5%
Price: USD1.23/can USD0.35/100mL
The bigger brother of Gent Half, this 3rd grade beer is mild, but not watery like other Japanese beers. Slightly bland, but surprisingly not bad. Goes flat fast, so not a beer that you want to sip slowly. Value for money. Final score 7.5/10.

Challenger 19
Name: Suntory "Magnum Dry"
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 6%
Price: USD1.89/can USD0.54/100mL
Their slogan is "Golden Dry is the new Dry." It has a little bit of a sharp fizz, but it's not a bad summer beer. Final score 7/10.
After a long, hard fought battle, a new champion is crowned. Asahi "The Master" Pilsner!
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