If you've ever been to Japan and walked down any residential streets there, you will have noticed that everyone keeps a lot of plants in front of their homes. Usually it looks like kind of a random mish mash, but somehow it works. I was really inspired during my last visit there, so I've decided to try my hand at it as well. Here are the beginnings of what I hope to be my continuing effort to make things greener in my part of the world.
I just came upon your blog and couldn't stop reading. It gives a lot of great information, but is also witty and very funny! Didn't get through all of it, but I will be back to finish, and back to read any further posts you publish. :) Thanks for the entertainment!
Thanks for reading and glad you could have a laugh! Haha. Sometimes things here are just so strange/funny/backwards/weird/interesting, I just have to share.
Are you blogging as well? Would love to read yours if you are.
Alyssa again (just under a different account now). Nope, not blogging...at least not yet. I will be going to school for Photography pretty soon though. Perhaps once that gets going I'll have enough interesting things to blog about, haha. But for now, I'm just a reader.
What kinds of other things? Your profile says you're a designer, exactly do you design?
I'm writing from Washington (state), US. And I just kept pressing "next blog" (at the top of each blog) and yours came up. Yours was the only one I found interesting enough to comment on and follow. So, I did.
Well, after college, a friend and I started a photography studio, which led to me learning how to use photoshop and doing basic graphic layout, which led to me becoming a graphic designer, which led to me becoming a graphic designer for apparel, which led to me becoming an apparel designer (kind of).
Oh Washington State - so do you live somewhere along I-5? Living in Vancouver, I used to do a lot of road trips along the coast.
Anyways, glad you came across my blog - at least I know SOMEONE is reading it! Haha.
Hahaha, sounds like a pretty great journey to finally get to become an apparel designer (kind of).
I actually don't...I live exactly on the border of Idaho, so not near the coast for me. Though I do get to wake up every morning and see the Snake River out my bedroom window. So can't complain too much I guess.
And not a problem, but now the pressure is on to KEEP me reading.
Oh wow, that sounds really nice. How big is your city/town? Well, hope you start blogging about where YOU live soon - would be really interesting to see a life totally different than mine..
Is that your dog in your profile pic? It looks about the size of a horse!!
I just came upon your blog and couldn't stop reading. It gives a lot of great information, but is also witty and very funny!
Didn't get through all of it, but I will be back to finish, and back to read any further posts you publish. :)
Thanks for the entertainment!
Hey Alyssa,
Thanks for reading and glad you could have a laugh! Haha. Sometimes things here are just so strange/funny/backwards/weird/interesting, I just have to share.
Are you blogging as well? Would love to read yours if you are.
Have a great day!
Alyssa again (just under a different account now).
Nope, not blogging...at least not yet. I will be going to school for Photography pretty soon though. Perhaps once that gets going I'll have enough interesting things to blog about, haha.
But for now, I'm just a reader.
Oh photography, that's cool. That's kind of what I started out in too. Somehow I got side-tracked into doing other things though..
If you don't mind me asking, where are you writing from, and how did you stumble upon my blog?
What kinds of other things? Your profile says you're a designer, exactly do you design?
I'm writing from Washington (state), US. And I just kept pressing "next blog" (at the top of each blog) and yours came up. Yours was the only one I found interesting enough to comment on and follow. So, I did.
Well, after college, a friend and I started a photography studio, which led to me learning how to use photoshop and doing basic graphic layout, which led to me becoming a graphic designer, which led to me becoming a graphic designer for apparel, which led to me becoming an apparel designer (kind of).
Oh Washington State - so do you live somewhere along I-5? Living in Vancouver, I used to do a lot of road trips along the coast.
Anyways, glad you came across my blog - at least I know SOMEONE is reading it! Haha.
Hahaha, sounds like a pretty great journey to finally get to become an apparel designer (kind of).
I actually don't...I live exactly on the border of Idaho, so not near the coast for me. Though I do get to wake up every morning and see the Snake River out my bedroom window. So can't complain too much I guess.
And not a problem, but now the pressure is on to KEEP me reading.
Totally kidding. :P
Oh wow, that sounds really nice. How big is your city/town? Well, hope you start blogging about where YOU live soon - would be really interesting to see a life totally different than mine..
Is that your dog in your profile pic? It looks about the size of a horse!!
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