To celebrate Golden Week in Japan, we did the mother of all beer testings to date - a 13 beer, winner take all event!! There were contenders from all the big camps - Kirin, Asahi, Suntory, Yebisu, Sapporo - some bringing the original classic style that they are known for, others coming from a new style of brewing, and a couple even having some European influence. It's anybody's to win. Who will come away victorious tonight?..

Defending Champ
Name: Kirin Lager Beer
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD0.96/can USD0.71/100mL
This rich, full flavoured beer came out on top at the last Battle Royal, with a score of 6.875/10.

Challenger 1
Name: Kirin Original Brew Draft Beer
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD2.17/can USD0.62/100mL
According to the description, it is brewed "from the first wort' (whatever that's supposed to mean?), which gives it its full-bodied flavour. Being one of the old skool "real" beers (not a 3rd grade beer), you have to give this brew some respect, and rightfully so - it's a more weighty beer with lots of flavour. As it says on the can, it is "distinctively smooth, refreshing and satisfying" - I would have to agree. Final score 7.55/10. So right off the bat, this veteran favourite quickly takes out the defending champ with a Figure Four Leg Lock, a-la "Nature Boy" Ric Flair ("Wooo!!").

Challenger 2
Name: Kirin Tanrei
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5.5%
Price: USD1.60/can USD0.46/100mL
Another beer in the Kirin family, "Tanrei" translates something like "delicate and elegant". It is "Sheer refreshment!" according to the can. Light and fizzy, its taste is pretty typical of all the other 3rd grade beers, but perhaps less watery, making it a good summer beer. Final score 6.85/10. Perhaps a little out of its weight class, this beer got the Ultimate Warrior's Overhead Press Slam and was down for the count.

Challenger 3
Name: Asahi Clear
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.40/can USD0.40/100mL
As the illustration on the can shows, this beer actually did have a pretty good head of foam! It was pretty creamy, and had a mild taste which was easy to drink. Final score 7.5/10. A close fight, but eventually knocked out by the Stone Cold Stunner.

Challenger 4
Name: Suntory Rich Malt
Origin: Osaka, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.40/can USD0.40/100mL
Kirin seems to be all about "Good Times", whereas for "Relaxing Times", you have to "make it Suntory time". This beer is no exception - "Enjoy rich taste in relaxing time." By this point in the testing, I was starting to feel pretty relaxed. A slightly fuller flavoured 3rd grade beer. Not bad, but nothing that particularly stood out either. Final score 7.35/10. A Flying Elbow Drop reminiscent of Randy "The Macho Man" Savage and it was over. "Oooh yeah!"

Challenger 5
Name: Suntory Malt's "Green Aroma"
Origin: Osaka, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD2.17/can USD0.62/100mL
This "limited edition" beer uses "aroma hops from Germany" which definitely gave it more flavour and a mildly floral aroma. If you like a slightly sweet, easy to drink beer, this one is for you. Final score 7.2/10. Although taken out by the Hulk Hogan Leg Drop, it's still a winner in my books.

Challenger 6
Name: Kirin "Nodogoshi" Draft
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.40/can USD0.40/100mL
"Nodogoshi" Draft means something like "The feeling of draft beer going down your throat" (I guess it makes more sense in Japanese). Anyways, doesn't matter - this beer wasn't that good. Typcial 3rd grade beer taste - bubbly and slightly watery. Final score 5/10. The Adorable Adrian Adonis' Sleeper Hold put this nightmare to an end.

Challenger 7
Name: Suntory "The Premium Malt's"
Origin: Osaka, Japan
Alcohol: 5.5%
Price: USD2.60/can USD0.74/100mL
This beer is of "esteemed quality" according to the can, and also uses an aroma hop from Europe, providing a strong, slightly bitter taste. A good, solid beer, but a little pricey. Final score 7.35/10. Taken down with a DDT and it was lights out.

Challenger 8
Name: Yebisu
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD2.56/can USD0.73/100mL
This beer has a long history, dating back to 1887, using "Sapporo's traditional art" of brewing. It is one of the most expensive beers in the group, but it becomes obvious why. On pouring, it has a good head of foam. Its taste is smooth, rich, and creamy. A great beer. And not only does it taste good, it looks good as well. The logo is dope, and the simple layout and classic use of type make this a sweet looking graphic. Add to that the gold coloured can, and it's pretty hard to beat. Final score 8/10. With a Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, off the top rope Diving Splash, Yebisu knocks out the competition thus far, and looks impressive doing it.

Challenger 9
Name: Kirin Green Label
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 4.5%
Price: USD1.61/can USD0.46/100mL
This is a low calorie beer, with "70% off" sugar. It "brings you comfortable time" and "cheers your mind". Sounds pretty good! Too bad it tastes like beer that's been left on the counter overnight - flat and watery. This can didn't stand a chance and was crushed by Baron Von Raschke's Iron Claw. Final score 4.25/10.

Challenger 10
Name: Kirin "Zero"
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 3%
Price: USD1.61/can USD0.46/100mL
This is another "karori ofu" (calorie off) beer, with zero sugar. Pretty fizzy and a bit lemony?? Final score 6/10. Tapped out with a Camel Clutch.

Challenger 11
Name: Asahi Style Free
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 4%
Price: USD1.61/can USD0.46/100mL
Yet another sugar free, low calorie beer. Again, flat and tasteless. Final score 4.75/10. Sorry, you're out of there with a reverse suplex over the top rope.

Name: Sapporo Barley & Hop
Origin: Tokyo, Japan
Alcohol: 5%
Price: USD1.41/can USD0.40/100mL
This 3rd grade beer is actually endorsed in a tv commercial by a famous Japanese actor, and he says something to the effect of "I can't believe this is only a 3rd grade beer!" It was actually ok, but nothing spectacular. Final score 6.65/10. KO'd by a Tombstone Piledriver.
So after a long, hard fought battle, the last beer standing is Yebisu, winning decisively with a score of 8/10.
I will be taking the competition back to Shanghai for the next round. But from what we've seen so far of the local Chinese talent, I'm betting Yebisu may be keeping the Intercontinental Belt for quite some time.
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