Below is my urinal/toilet, and you can see the remnants of my neighbour's hard work that just skidded past as he "flushed".

Well, you kind of have to admit, it's not a bad design - I mean, such a simple solution - just one trough. My only question is: If you're that guy, why in the world wouldn't you go down to the LAST stall, so that everyone doesn't have to see your goods floating down the line??..
hey Ben,
dun they have better toilet system? still so lagging?
hmm...dun think i can bear that...hahah..and btw why r u wif yr digital camera in the toilet? hahaha..jus kidding:)
omg, the funniest thing about this post is that you took a picture of the guy taking a dump in front of you. HAHAHAHAHA!
I was just so...I dunno, intrigued/disgusted/amused/confused? by this "open-air" design, i couldn't NOT take a picture.
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