Thursday 19 January 2012

My Hood - The Trunk Sale

Back in the day, there used be this hustle, where a van would pull up next to you and a guy would excitedly say something to the effect of, "Bro! I got these top of the line home stereo speakers in the back here that weren't accounted for in our warehouse! I need to unload them quick, and for cheap!"

If you were dumb enough to get suckered into buying them, the speakers worked, but were in fact just some pieces of crap thrown together with parts from RadioShack (no offense, RadioShack), worth a fraction of the price you just paid..

Anyways, this "trunk sale" of frozen chickens kind of brought that to mind. Forget the fact that they're just dumped on the ground and you have no idea where they came from. What. Just rinse them off and they're good as new. Pick one off the top of the pile, they're fine!..

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