Wednesday 26 August 2009

A ham sandwich goes into a pub and says..

..."Barman I need a drink", and the bartender replies, "Sorry, we don't serve food here."

That joke is almost as lame as this sandwich I just ate:

Who in their right mind thinks to build a sandwich like that?!?  (But then again, I still bought it..)  Needless to say, it tasted pretty much like it looked. 


SpicyKungFu said...

It looks like crap!!! So you ate...

Ally said...

What on earth is wrapped up in that first piece of, I'm guessing, ham?

Edwin said...

I was thinking the same thing. It looks like tuna.
BTW, I don't get the joke.

Ames*One said...

Ya, I think it was tuna. Basically, I like any kind of "_____ salad sandwich" - tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad..

So when I saw a sandwich with TWO salads in one, I though, "Eh, ok how bad could it be?"