Thursday 5 February 2009

How Do You Spell PAIN?

R-O-O-T  C-A-N-A-L.
For some reason, one of my back teeth had been hurting all weekend, and by Monday morning, it was pretty much unbearable to the point where I just wanted to take a pair of pliers and yank the thing out.  So I went to the dentist to have it checked.  And long story short, I needed to have a root canal.  I was pretty bummed, because up until then, my teeth had been in pretty good shape.  But as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining (or in this case, a gold one).  Because then I realized that I was gonna be able to get a gangsta looking gold tooth!  I'm actually getting a little psyched about the whole idea, and am almost a little disappointed that it's one of my back teeth, cuz no one's gonna be able to see it!

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